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Solar Panel Repairs

Solar Panel Replacement at a Local Parish Church

We were recently approached by a local Parish Church in Loughborough who reported that they had two damaged Suntech STP245S–20/Wd solar panels on the Church roof connected to three SMA Sunny Boy inverters.
Low Solar PV system Total Generation Meter

Is your Solar PV system Total Generation Meter reading low?

Is your Solar PV system total generation meter reading low, or has it not changed since the last time you did the reading for the Feed in Tariff (FiT)?
Solar I-boost

Solar I-boost installer

C Gascoigne Ltd NICEIC Approved electrician and MCS accredited Solar PV installer are your local Solar I-boost supplier and installer covering Loughborough and the surrounding areas for homes/businesses with Solar PV installed.

Solar PV Panel Inverter maintenance repair

Do you have suspicions that your system isn’t working as well as it did?

How much does a Solar Panel system cost?

How much does a solar panel system cost?" is a question we are quite often asked. Find the answers here...

Air Conditioning Controls for New and Existing Systems

As both NICEIC Approved electrical contractors and F Gas qualified Air Conditioning engineers C Gascoigne Ltd can offer new and existing customers our experience in control systems for their Air Conditioning installations.

How to keep conservatory cool in summer and warm in winter?

The most effective way of keeping your conservatory cool in summer and warm in winter is by installing an Air Conditioning unit.

How do I know if my Solar Panels are working?

How do I know if my Solar Panels are working?  is a frequent question. Here is a list of 10 common reasons why you may experience poor yield from a Solar Panel system.

Solar PV System Service Maintenance Inspection

Your Solar PV system will have been installed a few years now and just like your car is probably ready for a routine service /maintenance check.